Beatha Iosa Chriosd
A Gaelic Gospel - The Life of Jesus Christ
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This story of the life of Jesus is told in Gaelic by an author whose love of God and of the Gaelic language shine through every page. Suitable for individuals and for teaching in schools, churches and colleges.
In straightforward Gaelic, this is an account of the birth, life, death and resurrection of a most unusual man. This story of Jesus's life draws on the four Gospels in a way that is continuous and clear.
Through the joyful telling of the inspiring Story of the life of Jesus Christ, Shining Star helps us to follow his good example by showing love and forgiveness to those who offend us, by striving to put an end to useless hostility and violence and by working to put a stop to hunger, poverty and disease so that we come together in mutual friendship as Jesus himself would wish.
Chaidh an leabhar seo mu Bheatha Ìosa Crìosd a chur ri chèile airson iomradh a thoirt air breith, beatha, bàs ’s aiseirigh duine a bha fìor annasach. Tha feum cuideachd air eachdraidh-beatha a tha a’ toirt a-steach nan nithean a tha rin leughadh anns na ceithir Soisgeulan agus a tha gan cur còmhla ann an inneas leantainneach a bhios nas soilleire agus nas fhasa a thuigsinn. Gun teagamh sam bith, b’ e fear inntinneach da-rìreadh a bha ann an Ìosa – fear a bha ann, agus a tha a-nis na shuidhe air deas-làimh Athar air Nèamh.