Children and Young People
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Passing on the faith to the next generations is an exciting and challenging journey, a journey that can at times be exasperating, and a journey during which we all need a little help sometimes. Learn: Children and Young People, draws on the experiences and wisdom of many practitioners to offer you encouragement, inspiration and thinking that will help you on that journey.
This collection of articles explores how we can be church together, work together and be formed together. The range of articles provides a starting point for further thought, each offering questions to think about or for discussion, ideas for further reading, actions to try and resources to use.
Experienced youth and children's workers from a wide variety of contexts offer insight and practical guidelines across an wide variety of topics:
Part One: Being Church Together focuses on children and young people and the church community, the Bible, baptism and communion, inter-generational ministry
Part Two: Leadership explores pastoral care, family issues, mental health problems, being an effective leader, reaching and keeping volunteers, developing leadership in children and young people
Part Three: Mission and Discipleship looks at faith formation in children and young people, chaplaincy, Fresh Expressions of children's and youth work, children and young people in social action and in world mission.
Attractively illustrated throughout and enlivened by actual stories of local projects, this is an essential volume for all involved in working with children and young people.