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Interpretation of Scripture

The Report to the General Assembly of 1998 by the Panel on Doctrine

Interpretation of Scripture

The Report to the General Assembly of 1998 by the Panel on Doctrine

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Publisher: St Andrew Press
ISBN: 9780861532957
Number of Pages: 36
Published: 01/06/9900
Width: 21 cm
Height: 21 cm

Much disagreement between Christians today over important issues of faith and life rests in differing approaches to reading the Bible. This landmark report, given by the Panel on Doctrine to the 1998 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, charts some common ground for those who want to think seriously about their faith and its relevance today. It includes the central position of Scripture in the Reformed church and outlines the way in which interpretation has developed and changed through the centuries. It includes a set of practical guidelines, broad in their appeal, to assist the ordinary reader discover the relevance of Scripture for our times.

Church of Scotland