Reflections on Eldership
Insights from Practising Elders
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What does it mean to be a Church Elder? How do Elders fulfil their role? How does being an Elder fit with the other pressures of life? How should Elders deal with some of the greatest challenges facing the Church?
Eldership is a serious commitment to a lifelong role of responsibility. In this unique collection of personal reflections on key issues for Elders by Elders across Scotland, we have one of the most revealing and absorbing insights ever into what it really means to play an active role in the daily national and local life of the Church of Scotland. Elders have much to tell each other and others in the Church about their challenges, how they've grown and developed along the way; new ways of doing things; of 'being Church'. Such a conversation may raise as many questions as it answers -but it also delivers a sense that no member of this 'silent army' is alone in the work that they do and the vision they are trying to make real. Above all, this unique book offers affirmation, insight and an exciting starting point for further discussion and debate.
From the Preface by Revd John Miller:
As the Church in Scotland enters a new age and an era of uncertainty, this book will provide both stimulus and reassurance. In the pages of this book the Church’s ‘silent army’ of Elders is revealed as remarkably focused on the central place of individual faith, and on the importance of a lively and relevant Church. The book will make helpful and stimulating reading for every Elder. Each Elder will find some comments which exactly reflect their own experience. They will also meet insights which illuminate new areas of their thinking. As a means for Kirk Sessions to examine their strategies and practice the book will be of unparalleled value. The book is a treasure-house of wise reflection.