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Pilgrim Guide to Scotland

Pilgrim Guide to Scotland

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Publisher: St Andrew Press
ISBN: 9780861538621
Number of Pages: 176
Width: 11.1 cm
Height: 17.8 cm

This is a comprehensive introduction to Scotland's major pilgrim routes, past and present. It covers every region and offers inclusive, simple devotional directions related to each journey.

Pilgrim Guide to Scotland is both evocative and inspirational, following each pilgrim journey as a story and as an experience. This is accompanied by simple route and geographical information for walking and travelling in a variety of ways.

For those who prefer to explore from the convenience of their armchairs, there is a plethora of enthralling story and information. The concept of pilgrimage is undergoing major revival as a contemporary form of spirituality and faith in Scotland where, for many centuries, it was actively suppressed.

Scotland has an exceptionally rich Celtic, medieval and modern spread of sacred places. The pilgrim theme opens up the history, environment and faith of Scotland in a unique way. This is a fascinating and unique way of exploring Scotland's spiritual and cultural heritage.

Donald Smith

DONALD SMITH is a leading expert and established author in this field. He has written several books on Celtic and Scottish journeys and he researched and scripted the Scotland's Pilgrim Journeys for Scotland's Churches Trust's website. He is author of God, the Poet & the Devil and Freedom & Faith (both Saint Andrew Press), three well-received Scottish historical novels, and several other works of cultural and religious history. He is also a recognised storyteller in the traditional style and a playwright.