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Mission and Older People

A Study Guide

Mission and Older People

A Study Guide

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Mixed media product


Publisher: St Andrew Press
ISBN: 9780861539567
Published: 01/10/9900

The Mission Forum has created a Mission and Older People Study guide resource for the Church of Scotland. The purpose of this resource is to enable members, kirk sessions and presbyteries to run awareness raising evenings and help local pastoral groups, Guilds or those working with CrossReach to explore the topic further.

The resource provides groups with three interactive DVD study sessions.

The Mission Forum brings together representatives from different Councils and Committees of the Church of Scotland to enable the breadth of Mission to be considered so that the whole church can engage in mission.

The Mission Forum explores a mission topic by entering into a conversation with one another and other agencies to ensure each of us can understand the different perspectives held by those who put mission into practice. We asked, “How are we to enable mission with older people, for older people and to older people?"

Church of Scotland, Alister Bull